About Stella Murray Whatley

Stella Murray Whatley is a professional artist.

After completing her training at The Central School of Arts and Crafts, Holborn, Regents Street Polytechnic, and The Harrow College of Art, she spent time in Italy studying the language and Renaissance art . Her art works cover a wide range of subjects.

Stella Murray WhatleyHer commissions include portraits of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, noted scientist and writer, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, High Master of St. Paul's School in London, Headmaster of Monkton Coombe School in Bath and Master of Mercers Company in the City of London.

Stella has also been commissioned by Taunton Deane Borough Council, The Somerset Health Care Trust and Somerset County Council.

Stella regularly exhibits at the various exhibitions, and with London groups, in addition to her many solo shows.

Stella has contributed to many mixed shows across the country, including such venues as, the Royal Academy, the Royal West of England Academy, the South West Academy of Fine and Applied Arts, and the Mall Galleries in London.

Stella is also a past full member of the Society of Graphic Fine Art. She has been elected to the Somerset Guild of Craftsmen as an artist printmaker.

Past Exhibitions

Stella has taken part in many exhibitions across the country. They range from national shows to local and solo exhibitions. She has also contributed work to shows by The Society of Graphic Fine Art, Somerset Art Week, and Print South West.

Have a look at some of the shows below:

Royal Academy of London

National Museum of Wales

Silver Jubilee Leamington Spa

Royal West of England Academy

Mall Galleries in London

Hot Bath Gallery, Bath

Gallery 27, Mayfair

Sophia Gardens, Cardiff

Open Print Exhibition in Bristol

South West Academy

2002 Graphic Art Fare, London

Somerset County Museum

Crowcombe Gallery, Somerset

Railway Festival, Cologne

Science Museum, Birmingham


 Other Past Exhibitions

National Shows

Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy, London

Pictures For Schools Exhibition, National Museum of Wales

Silver Jubilee Exhibition, Leamington Spa

Royal West of England Academy, Annual Exhibition, Bristol

Royal Society of Oil Painter, Mall Galleries, London

Royal Academy Annual Exhibition, London

Royal West of England Academy, Print Exhibition, Bristol

Artist Magazine Special Exhibition, Mall Galleries, London

Royal West of England Academy, Autumn Exhibition, Bristol

The South West Academy of Fine and Applied Arts, Exeter

Open Exhibition, The Art Gallery, Leamington Spa


Group Shows

Guild of Railway Artists

York Railway Festival Exhibition, Guild Hall

The Heritage Centre, Crystal Palace, London

G.R.A. Warwick Museum, Warwick

G.R.A. Horticultural Hall, London

Great Western 150 Anniversary Exhibition Train (touring the western regions)

The International Railway Festival, Cologne

G.R.A. City Art Gallery, Worcester

G.R.A. County Library

Science Museum, Birmingham


Society of Graphic Fine Art


Hot Bath Gallery, Bath

Gallery 27, Cork Street, Mayfair

Gallery 47, Great Russell Street, London

The Menier Gallery, Southwark, London

2002 Graphic Art Fare, Islington, London


Print South West

Somerset County Museum

Crowcombe Gallery, Somerset

Yeovil Art Center, Somerset

Somerset County Museum

Somerset County Library


Local Mixed Exhibitions

The Bath And West Show

Bridgwater Art Center

Chandos Society

The Mabon Gallery

The Macmillan Appeal

The Leading Edge Gallery

The Shambles Gallery, North Curry

The Marinda Gallery, Taunton


Somerset Art Week

Solo Exhibitions

The Municipal Hall, Taunton

The Brewhouse Art Center, Taunton

The National Museum of Wales, The Castle, Haverfordwest

The Crowcombe Gallery

Hestercombe Orangery Gallery

The Lutyens Gallery, Taunton

Somerset Hospital Trust, Bridgwater Infirmary

For more information email info@stellamurraywhatley.co.uk

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